The Solomon Doctrine

An Anectode For The Darkness Of A Sophisticated Age
If a book should not be judged by its cover, no author should be judged by the title of his book. I am not sure that principle necessarily follows, but I do hope people will not judge me by the title of this work.


What's In The Book?

The Solomon Doctrine - Hardback Cover

This series is dedicated to restoring health to the culture, Western  Civilisation and to the Church. But you cannot solve a problem that you do not understand. And thus, we begin by examining what is broken, so as to be able to offer a solution. As Catholics, we can forget that although our true home is not of this world, we must not be ambivalent to the plight of our neighbour in this world.  And, as we have a duty to love the Lord God
who is infinitely beyond this world, this does not mean that we can be indifferent to how He is adored by this world. To love both God and our neighbour means we must pay careful attention to how the world
treats them both. Thus, our duty is not to condemn, but to correct.

WE have concluded the first part of our series on Western Civilisation. This now gives us an opportunity to piece together what we have done thus far and to appreciate what we have left to do. Whenever we do a series, I always look for an opportunity to give an  overview so that no one gets lost along the way. Following a series over a number of weeks is a bit like following the big blue dot on your GPS map. When you start your journey, the squiggly
green line that goes from starting point to destination never looks that hard, but as you journey along, it looks a lot different on the ground: “Take the fifth exit at the roundabout and head north-west” sounds fine in theory, but who counts exits on a roundabout, as they fumble about looking for the compass app on their phone? Nothing is ever difficult until you are actually in the middle of doing it. And so, before we  begin the second part of our series, I will try to make sure that none of you gets lost along the way.

TODAY we begin the third and final chapter in our series. This chapter deals with the Church, and how any attempt at restoring Western Civilisation must be the result of the Catholic Church re-establishing a Catholic culture. It is also spring time, which means the Melbourne Cup. And that too is a race for stayers. And much like the  Flemington race track, where the final strait to the finish is rather a long one, so too will our last chapter be a bit longer. That is because it is easier to describe a problem than to fix it. Especially a problem as daunting as the one proposed by the anti-Western establishment. How do we make straight that which has been distorted by the original evil of Eden that today manifests itself in the creed of secular progressivism? For this pernicious doctrine is nothing more than systematic rebellion against God the Father. And this is the problem that we will attempt to address in  Chapter Three.



The Solomon Doctrine


Cloth bound

Gold embossed

200 pages



Fr Matthew Solomon

Father Matthew Solomon

Fr Matthew Solomon is a Catholic priest of the Diocese of Rome (Italy). Fr Matthew entered the Pontifical Roman Seminary seminary in 1997 and was ordained in 2001 by St. John Paul II in St. Peter’s Basilica. He spent the first few years of his pastoral ministry as parochial vicar in parishes in Rome.

In 2010 he was made chaplain to the Catholic University (Gemelli) in Rome. With the permission of the Cardinal Vicar, Fr Matthew returned to Sydney for family reasons and now collaborates with the work of Oriens House.


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